If you have gum disease as a diabetic, your blood sugar levels are harder to control. Conversely, having diabetes makes you more predisposed to getting gum disease.
I'm a diabetic and would like to know your views on any toothpaste that you feel is best for people that have diabetes.
If you have gum disease as a diabetic, your blood sugar levels are harder to control.
Conversely, having diabetes makes you more predisposed to getting gum disease.
As I’m sure you’re already aware, keeping your diabetes well-controlled will be critical in minimizing your risk of gum disease, which, as we just established, will make your diabetes harder to control. It’s kind of a vicious cycle, isn’t it?
Brushing and toothpaste will be the least important factors for you – flossing will be absolutely imperative. My advice for you is to see your dental hygienist and make sure you’re flossing correctly and often enough.