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Most of us have been taught to brush, spit, and rinse after meals. Tune in today to find out why this is not necessarily what Dr. B recommends! From the time of day to the type of toothpaste (fluoride or hydroxyapatite-based), to your age, Dr. B explains how each of these aspects can impact your dental health. We discover the molecular mechanism underlying how fluoride remineralizes teeth and why it’s dangerous for kids to swallow, but not adults. Dr. B provides a wealth of information about the invention of the first toothbrush before World War II, when fluoride was introduced into toothpaste, and what the purpose of plaque is, as well as how the type of food we eat affects it. He also shares his daily brushing routine and what you can do to improve yours. Don’t miss out on this educational episode, and don’t forget your homework for next week!
Submit Your Question
Dr. B loves answering your questions. Record a voicemail for your chance to have it answered in a future episode.
Key Points From This Episode:
- When to brush: Should you be rinsing after you brush your teeth, or should you be waiting after using your fluoridated toothpaste?Â
- How the pH in your mouth is affected by the food you eat.
- Why fluoride should be on your teeth for as long as possible, but not in your body.
- Waiting 30 to 40 minutes after eating before brushing to allow for remineralization.
- How the biofilm is affected by brushing.
- The protective role of plaque and the biofilm.
- The impact of sugary and processed food on the biofilm.
- When and why the toothbrush was invented.
- The addition of fluoride to toothpaste and how it remineralizes teeth on a molecular level.
- Why children need to spit and rinse fluoride-based toothpaste, but adults do not.
- Why you don’t need to rinse when using hydroxyapatite-based toothpaste.
- How brushing straight after eating removes the calcium slurry from your teeth.
- Your homework for the week: Which does Dr. B do first, floss or brush?
How to Submit Your Question:
Record your question for Dr. B at
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
‘Ask the Dentist: Should you floss before or after brushing?‘
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