Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!
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When it comes to women’s health, we all know that it is often looked over. In a varsity team, all the information is out there on the field and sitting on the bench are very important studies and information about women. Another problem is that a lot of studies are biased towards men and their hormonal makeup and metabolic differences. Women and men are designed to do two different things and have unique health challenges. Today I’ll talk about fluoride, hormones, oral health, child rearing, and will answer some specific questions.Â
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Topics Discussed:
- 10:04 – Menstruation and effect on oral healthÂ
- 14:40 – Puberty and birth controlÂ
- 21:01 – Pregnancy gingivitisÂ
- 25:42 – Menopause
- 32:23 – Solutions and overall recommendations
- 43:04 – Nano Hydroxyapatite
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Show Links:
- Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!
- Check out Dr. B’s website for more information:
- Subscribe to Dr. B’s newsletter Mondays with Mark:
- Oral Health During Pregnancy
- Periodontal disease and women’s health
- Endocrinology of sex steroid hormones and cell dynamics in the periodontium
- Fate of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles during dynamic in vitro gastrointestinal digestion: the impact of milk as a matrix
- Adverse pregnancy outcomes and periodontitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis exploring potential association
Check Out Dr. B:
Check Out My NEW Line of Toothpaste and Professional Dental Varnish!!
Check out Dr. B’s website for more information: