Ever wondered why those unsightly lesions, known as abfractions, appear on the side of your teeth? Well, you’re not alone. Today, we’re diving into an in-depth discussion on abfractions, their causes, and most importantly, how to prevent and treat them. The culprits could be as commonplace as grinding your teeth or using a worn-out toothbrush. And yes, we’re also talking about the impact of our sleep habits on oral health. We discuss how fillings, mouth guards, orthodontics, and even the right toothpaste could help resolve abfractions, and the importance of treating the root cause for lasting results.
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Key Points From This Episode:
- 0:03:35 – Preventing and Treating Abfractions
- 0:08:07 – Recognizing Symptoms of Tooth WearÂ
- 0:16:19 – Mouth Guards and Fillings on TeethÂ
- 0:25:54 – Proper Dental Filling Tips
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