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Registered dental hygienists Sarah Hornsby and Melissa Mugno sit with Dr. B to discuss the importance of myofunctional therapy not just to one’s oral health, but to their overall health.
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Sarah and Melissa define myofunctional therapy as the identification and treatment of issues within the oral cavity and the head/neck that are affecting potentially any area of the body, from the airway to the stability of occlusion, to the way we speak, chew, and swallow.
Myofunctional therapy consists of personalized exercises aimed at accomplishing four goals: To be able to breathe through your nose all day and all night; to have your tongue fully on the roof of your mouth all day and all night; to keep your lips together all day and all night, and to swallow correctly.
In 2014, Melissa became an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist to tie all her experience and knowledge together so that she could begin to help patients, with a focus on the whole body.
From the understated importance of the tongue as “the mouth’s natural retainer” to stamping out compensation behaviors via neuromuscular reeducation, Sarah and Melissa offer a thorough guide on the complementarity between oral health and myofunctional therapy.
Dr. B concurs, saying, “A dentist that does not practice with a myofunctional therapist or does not have access to one is not practicing dentistry correctly.”
Key Points From This Episode:
● Introducing today’s topic: What is myofunctional therapy and why is it important? [02:08]
● Buteyko Breathing Technique versus myofunctional therapy [14:35]
● What patients can expect out of myofunctional therapy [17:58]
● Why undergo myofunctional therapy before surgery [22:15]
● How long it takes to get long-term results from myofunctional therapy [29:39]
● How to determine whether you need to see a myofunctional therapist [32:49]
● How dentists can work with myofunctional therapists on oral appliances [43:32]
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