Oral piercings are common amongst younger generations and are frequently judged by those who are older. This is not the case with Dr. B, who feels it’s your choice. Tune in today to hear why you should be changing dentists if yours is making you feel uncomfortable about your piercings, and what to look for in a dentist who will give you the proper care. Dr. B breaks down the locations of oral piercings and the most common health issues associated with each of them. We also hear some great advice on how to maintain good oral hygiene around piercings, through salt-water washing, CRP testing, tongue scraping, and changing the material your piercing is made from. Join us to learn how to program your body to accommodate your new piercing, and why dentists are concerned about gum recession and broken tooth syndrome. To discover how piercings could be affecting your sense of taste, and so much more, press “Play” now!
Submit Your Question
Dr. B loves answering your questions. Record a voicemail for your chance to have it answered in a future episode.
Key Points From This Episode:
- Why Dr. B might be a little hoarse: Hyman’s channel [0:00:12]
- A shout-out to Jennifer Chiang (DDS) and her effort to further the functional dentist cause. [0:01:50]
- Today’s question: What should people with oral piercings be doing to maintain good oral health? [0:04:41]
- Why Dr. B doesn’t like the judgment surrounding oral piercings. [0:06:16]
- The most common oral piercing locations, and why you should do a CRP test. [0:07:26]
- Why dentists are concerned about gum recession and cracked tooth syndrome. [0:09:36]
- How to program your proprioception to accommodate a new piercing. [0:11:27]
- Talking tongue piercings: how they’re done and the materials Dr. B recommends. [0:12:30]
- How a lip piercing is different from a tongue piercing, and the impact on the oral microbiome. [0:14:54]
- What to look for in an infected piercing, and Dr. B’s cleaning suggestions. [0:17:22]
- A summary of Dr. B’s advice. [0:20:12]
- What you should be looking for in a dentist who will look after your piercings. [0:20:34]
- Why Dr. B recommends scraping your tongue if it’s pierced. [0:21:57]
- How certain piercings could affect your sense of taste. [0:23:29]
- Dr. B’s experience with oral piercings. [0:25:15]
- Why you shouldn’t pierce the body if you are immune-suppressed. [0:26:11]
How to Submit Your Question:
Record your question for Dr. B at speakpipe.com/askthedentist
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Dr. Jennifer Chiang’s Blog on Functional Dentistry
Dr. Jennifer Chiang, DDS on Ask the Dentist
Follow Dr. B on Instagram @askthedentist
Follow Dr. B on Twitter @askthedentist
Follow Dr. B on TikTok @askthedentist