For more than 40 years, Dr. Max Ebrahimian’s philosophy has always been to help patients live healthy, pain-free lives while having the most beautiful smiles possible. To achieve this goal, Dr. Max has made neuromuscular dentistry a focus in his practice as he continues to learn about the latest information regarding dental topics and education.
How neuromuscular dentistry became the focus of his practice was a result of personal experience for the Ebrahimians. Dr. Max and his family experienced first hand, the devastating effects of untreated obstructive sleep apnea. Back in 2007, Dr. Max, his wife Tina, and Dr Ariana completed a course that inevitably changed the focus of his practice, as well as saving his daughter’s life. The course featured insight on how the jaw and facial structure impacts fundamental health and issues that relate to TMD, sleep apnea, and facial pain. For years, their youngest daughter suffered from constant fatigue and snored while sleeping. It was at this course that they learned the effects of obstructive sleep apnea, and how to test for it. Upon returning home, Dr. Max was able to apply his newfound knowledge and run tests to determine that his daughter did, in fact, suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. This discovery literally saved her life!