“How could you advocate for getting the vaccine? I thought you were a holistic dentist.” I’m getting this question a lot, and the answer is this…
I’m a healthcare worker. When you’re a healthcare worker, you have to think of your patients, especially more vulnerable populations, such as my patients with chronic illness, taking prednisone or antibiotics, and the elderly.
I’m above age 60.
I saw my son-in-law, a healthy guy in his early 30s, get hospitalized with COVID complications. His lungs were ravaged as you can see on his CT scans. I have patients and family and friends who have put on ventilators, some who haven’t made it.
COVID is on its way to becoming endemic, meaning the chance of everyone experiencing this virus on some level is almost guaranteed. When I am exposed to COVID, I want to make sure I have the antibodies from the vaccine to fight it. I don’t want to contribute to the growing number of lives lost, which totaled over 500,000 in the US alone as of yesterday.
I am a functional dentist who considers how oral health affects the whole body, and vice versa as well as investigates the root causes of illness so we can prevent them.
To those who say masks and vaccines aren’t “natural”: if I were to reject everything that’s not natural, then I couldn’t use anesthesia for my patients, prescribe antibiotics, perform oral surgery, or fill cavities. I do these things when medically necessary—while also incorporating alternative treatments and diet and lifestyle. It’s not one or the other.
I’m interested in the best of both worlds for myself and my patients—the best from modern medicine and the best from alternative medicine. I follow the evidence and look for what will extend the well-being and longevity of my patients.
COVID is not a normal flu. There is an increased chance of not just short-term but also long-term effects, including lung tissue damage, shortened lifespan, heart damage, brain fog, neurological issues, that my patients who survived COVID continue to deal with long after “recovering.”