
Remineralizing Coconut Oil Pulling Chews Recipe

Remineralizing Coconut Oil Pulling Chews

Oil pulling is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to support oral and dental health. I recommend pulling each morning before eating or drinking anything. There’s no need to stress about it, either. Just 1-3 minutes makes a difference!




  1. Mix coconut oil with avocado oil in a medium-sized bowl, set aside.
  2. In a separate bowl combine the xylitol, baking soda and l-arginine, mix with a fork until well combined.Remineralizing Coconut Oil Pulling Chews
  3. Slowly add the powders into the oil, mixing with a fork.
  4. Fill ice cube trays in 1/2 teaspoon portions, mix often as you fill the tray to prevent powders from settling to the bottom of the bowl.
  5. Freeze for at least 2 hours, or until completely hardened.
  6. Transfer the chews to a jar and store in the fridge.Remineralizing Coconut Oil Pulling Chews



– Use these chews after drinking something acidic like coffee or wine to help prevent staining.
– If you struggle with coffee breath, pulling for 5-10 minutes can minimize coffee odors—no brushing required!
– If you want to brush after an acidic meal or drink, wait at least 20-30 minutes, since acids weaken enamel, making it vulnerable to a toothbrush.

How to Oil Pull

After brushing and flossing, gently swish, pull, and suck the oil through your teeth; the chews will quickly melt in your mouth once you begin. Go slow and don’t work too hard, pulling for about 1-3 minutes.

– Don’t swallow the oil. Try using less if the urge to swallow is too great.
– When finished pulling, don’t spit the oil in the sink or toilet. (It can clog pipes as it solidifies.) Instead, discard the used oil in the trash.
– Optional: Rinse your mouth with warm water after pulling.
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